Our house is small, but it's the perfect size for us. However, with the amount of crap we have shoved into what limited storage space we actually do have, we're clearly not utilizing it correctly and it's causing me to feel claustrophobic. I don't want a bigger house (that just means more house for me to keep clean), it's just time to purge and organize. So, I'm going room-by-room and even including the attic [major yard-sale soon!]. I figure if I go one room per week that the task won't seem too overwhelming.
Yesterday, I began to tackle my kitchen. I'm not fully finished, but
I'll reveal its makeover this coming Monday. However, in order for you to truly grasp the glorious transformation, I have to show you its current state, and that's mortifying, but necessary.
Come on into my kitchen...
At this point you may be saying, "looks pretty clean to me." and you're right - on the surface it's clean, but here's what's lurking underneath -
my truly embarrassing, hoard-ish, dirty little secret...
*CAUTION* To see pictures, continue reading at your own risk...